Big News!


It's been a while since I last made a post here or on Instagram. I've been super busy working away in the shadows on some big things. Huge things! And now I've made enough progress that I feel like I can finally announce the project I've been working on for the past few months. I'm really excited and nervous to talk about this as I don't want to put it out there and then it be a massive disappointment. However, if I don't do it now, I'll never do it. So my big announcement is: I've been making a game!

Haha, yeah I know my Instagram was filled with images of me working on games; however, that was more of an education process. I started applying everything I learned to a whole new project. I've been working on this game for a while now. It's been pretty difficult as I've had to make absolutely everything from scratch. I didn't want to use any premade assets as I wanted 100% control over the aesthetics, which is why it's taking me so long to put everything together. But now I feel I'm ready to welcome you... Blue's Island! *Jurassic Park music*

Blue's Island is a horror RPG set in the near-distant future. The game involves helping good aliens and fighting infected aliens in order to preserve their civilisation. I will be making more posts breaking the game down into the following sections:
  1. The Story
  2. Education/Research
  3. The Gameplay
  4. The Controls
  5. Character Design
    1. The Player
    2. Other NPCs
    3. Blue
  6. UI Design
  7. Deciding on a Battle System
  8. Composing Music
  9. Resources
  10. Implementation

I'm very excited to see what becomes of Blue's Island. I figured I'd break the progress updates down into a weekly series where I explain the processes behind putting everything together. So I'll talk through the initial idea and the design process as well as the development process and share the progress of the game as its slowly pieced together.

The next post will be all about the initial idea, the story behind the game and how having a storyline can actually be dangerous when developing a game.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you next week!



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